Side effects of hair rebounding

Now a days rebounding is a new trends in hair fashion. All of us have attraction to keep pace with the trends of fashion. The rate of rebounding also increases recently. Everyone loves to get straight and silky hair. And so we spent thousands of money on rebounding of hair. But we do not have knowledge about the side effects of hair rebounding and how to take care of hair. Let’s learn about some side effect of hair rebounding and some solution.
Side Effects of rebounding:
1.Hair becomes soft. On the first one month of rebounding you could not tie the hair. You could not even keep the hair behind the ear. If tie it will cause damage to the hair.
2. The heat during rebounding can cause considerable damage in your head skin. A lot of time can burn the skin.
3. If the amount of chemical is high and use it for a long time in the hair then it’s weaken the hair. In turn it causes hair loss in future.
4. If you do not rebound your hair in a good parlor then it can be a risk to you. Because there will be a doubt about the quality of their product.

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