Nuts: to make your body fit and heart strong

Different types of nuts are a known name in the food festival. There is plenty of calcium in nuts. After any major surgery or a broken bone in your body, nuts provided nutrition helps to grow bones faster.
There are plenty of monounsaturated and poly unsaturated oil in addition to calcium, protein, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc and vitamin E are present in nuts. It has also an antioxidant called flavonoid, which is very effective in the prevention of many diseases.
Keep in mind:
* Daily 4-5 nutsare enough for you.
* Every morning on an empty stomach eat nuts immerse by water through all the night in milk or water. On an empty stomach the stored nutrient of almonds digesting the body quickly.
* Nut has plenty of folic acid and vitamins - B is. During pregnancy nuts reduce the risk of deformed child.
* Nuts play an important role in controlling blood sugar level. It also controls colon cancer.
* Vitamin – B present in nuts strengthen the hair and nails.
Why eat:
* Almonds playa unique role for Brain Development. Every morning three - four almonds mixed with milk increase child memory power.
* Daily a nut increases the amount of good cholesterol and level of HDL. It also helps to decrease the amount of bad cholesterol.
* Almonds have mono saturated fat, protein and potassium to play a very important role for healthy heart.

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